Monday, August 14, 2017


Hii guys!! I'm so sorry I'm been MIA for a while! I haven't stopped reading though, I just didn't review and post about it.
Anyhow I want to get back to reviewing more and being more active as a blogger because I do like it :D

Anyhow since I last posted, which was in February I believe I've been to Apollycon2017 in Orlando Florida, and it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. After that I've been to Harry Potter world which was a dream come true. If you follow me on instagram ( you might have seen the picture.
In june I went to another book signing, Romance Author Reader Event in Berlin and it was so much fun. I went with fellow book friends whom I've met at other signings

I haven't been in a good place for while, lots of up and downs, and I'm not better yet but I'm working hard on it. So while I'm going to try to be more active on here I can't promise anything.

Anyhow, I'm gonna post review I've wrote for all the books I've read this year soon. I've bought this most adorable little book journal called "The Book Lover's Journal" which I bought on amazon uk. In that journal you can keep track of the books you've written, what you thought of it, how many stars you rated it, what books you want to read, favorite books, favorite authors, signings, literary places you want to visit etc. etc.  I'm in love with it! It's basically a kind of goodreads but then smaller and in the form of a cute little book

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