Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Review "Carter Reed by Tijan"

Emma decided to skip the gym and went home early. It was the last easy decision she made because she found her roommate being raped by the boyfriend. She had two choices. Call the cops and be killed by his family’s mafia connections or kill him first and hope to survive. There was no choice to her. She killed the bastard first and went to the one person who could protect her. Carter Reed. He’s a weapon for the rivaling mafia family, but he’s also Emma’s secret. Not only was he best friends with her brother, but she’s the reason he became that weapon in the first place.

Title: Carter Reed (Carter Reed #1)
Author: Tijan
Publisher: Self Published
Edition: Kindle
Amount of Pages: 285
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance

Date Read: 15-09-2018 - 19-09-2018

Favorite Quote: "I would declare war for you.”

This book let me down. I was really looking forward to reading it. I really wanted to like this book. The blurb really interested me and so did the first few chapters but it became scattered after that. The flow of the book was off. It felt like the main character was all over the place, her thoughts and actions where all over the place. It was sometimes hard to follow.
There was something missing and that's a shame because it could have been a great book in my opinion. A book that I would definitely loved.
Now don't get me wrong, the book wasn't all bad. There are plenty of things that I liked. The thrill aspect of it. The twist and turns this book had where also good. I liked Carter and overall I liked Emma. I think of this book as a rough diamond that just needed to be polished.

3 I enjoyed it Stars

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