Monday, May 28, 2018

Review "Steel and Stone Series by Annette Marie"

Piper Griffiths wants one thing in life: To become a Consul, a keeper of the peace between humans and daemons. There are three obstacles in her way.

The first is Lyre. Incubus. Hotter than hell and with a wicked streak to match. His greatest mission in life is to annoy the crap out of her, but he isn't as harmless as he seems. The second is Ash. Draconian. Powerful. Dangerous. He knows too much and reveals nothing. Also, disturbingly attractive — and scary. Did she mention scary?

The third is the Sahar Stone. Top secret magical weapon of mass destruction. Previously hidden in her Consulate until thieves broke in, went on a murder spree, and disappeared with the weapon.

And they left Piper to take the fall for their crimes.

Now she’s on the run, her dreams of becoming a Consul shattered and every daemon in the city gunning to kill her. She’s dead on her own, but there’s no one she can trust — no one except two entirely untrustworthy daemons ... See problems one and two.

Title: Chase the Dark (Steel & Stone #1)
Author: Annette Marie 
Publisher: Dark Owl Fantasy Inc
Number of Pages: 320
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Date Read: 27-04-2018

Quote: "Well." the announcer called jubilantly, "It seems the dragon has claimed his prize."

I liked this book. I was very interested in Ash's story. I like him in The Shadow Weavers series and really wanted to know how his story would develop. 
I was really happy to see Lyre again although I found it difficult to see him with other women and flirting with Piper but I know it's something he has to do. So I got over that ahah. 
I'm not a massive fan of Piper. I mean I liked her but I didn't love her. She's a bit immature, naive and over confident. A bit of a know it all but is still stuck under her fathers thumb. I don't like that man. When he ask Piper to jump, she might give him attitude and refuses but in the end she always asks how high. 

What is this book about:
This book is about Ash. We meet him in The Shadow Weaver series. Ash is a draconian. A very powerful demon caste from the underworld. Ash "works"for the hades family that kind of runs the underworld. 
We also see Lyre again, for those of you who haven't read the Spell Weaver series (do it now) Lyre is a incubus, also a demon caste from the underworld. He and Ash are friends and are usually seen together when they are on earth. 
On one of their visits to the consulate on Earth, they meet Piper. Piper is a consul in training. Her father is the boss of that consulate. 
The story starts with something big happening in the consulate and things go horrible wrong. It results in Piper, Lyre and Ash being fugitives and on the run for something Piper things non of them did. Piper is willing to do anything to make this right and clear her fathers and uncles names. 

What did I like about this book:
I really liked learning more about Ash. Not that he is such a big sharer of secrets but we do get little bits. I also like seeing Lyre again. I found it funny to know things about him that other don't. Secrets he isn't sharing that I already know. 
I liked seeing their journey and how the story is being set up. 
Piper annoyed me at times. She kind of needs to learn better timing and wording. Sometimes I thought well she's learning and is getting better. She is broadening her view but then she would say or do something that made me thing other wise. I don't fully blame her, everything she thought she knew, her future is being turned up side down and she has a hard time cooping with that. But at some point I though come one girl, keep those eyes open. 
I look forward to reading more about Piper, Lyre and Ash. 



The most important rule for an Apprentice Consul is simple: Don't get involved with daemons. Well, Piper is planning to break that rule — big time.

After a near-deadly scandal with the Sahar Stone, she has the chance to return to the only life she's ever wanted. All she has to do to keep her Apprenticeship is forget about Ash and Lyre. Ash might be enigmatic and notoriously lethal, and Lyre might be as sinfully irresistible as he is irritating, but they’re not bad for a couple of daemons.

There's just one problem: Ash is missing.

Really, she shouldn't risk her future for him. He lied. He betrayed her. But he also saved her life, damn it. Wherever he is, he's in trouble, and if she doesn't save his sorry butt, who will? But with every dangerous secret she unravels, each one darker than the last, she slips deeper into Ash's world — a world with no escape for either of them.

Title: Bind the Soul (Steel & Stone #2)
Author: Annette Marie
Publisher: Dark Owl Fantasy Inc
Amount of Pages: 304
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Date Read: 28-04-2018

Favorite Quote: "Death is easy. Living is difficult."

I liked this book. I can tell that the plot is slowly starting to develop in this one and the ending proved that to me. i think things will really start to go in the next few books. 
Lyre and Ash are still my favorite characters in this book. Piper is showing improvement haha. She is still struggling with accepting her new world and views but she's getting there. It wouldn't be realistic if she just accepted it over night. So I understand but it still got on my nerves at some points. 

What is this book about:
In this book we see Piper trying to get back to her old live. It isn't as easy as Piper would have thought. She is worried about Ash, especially after the news that he's missing. Even though she should stay out of it, she can't help but want to help him. 
Together with Lyre she's trying to find Ash, and when they pin point his location it increases their worry. Piper is set on saving him though and goes to the underworld to find him and save him from the Hades family. 
But the Ash she finds isn't the Ash she knew. He is being tortured, more than usually. And not only that, Piper proved herself to be very interesting to the Hades family, for she is the only one that showed capability into using the Sahar, a deadly powerful stone. The Hades family ( I forgot the dudes name) is willing to do whatever to gain control over Piper and therefor the Sahar by any means necessary.

What did I like about this book
I loved learning more about Ash and his past. Why he does some of the things he does. 
I liked that Piper showed some more backbone. Going against her fathers orders and doing what she thing's is wright. 
I like seeing the friendship and banter between Ash, Lyre and Piper. 
That cliffhanger made me want to rush into reading the third book! Its starting to get really good!



After surviving a round-trip to hell, Piper figures she can survive anything. After all, she just lived through the devastating loss of her Consul apprenticeship and a torturous stint at boarding school. How much worse could it get?

Well, she wasn’t expecting a group of crazy radicals to burn her home to the ground and take her prisoner.

The Gaians, a.k.a. the crazy radicals, plan to rid Earth of daemons and they need Piper’s help. In exchange for her cooperation, they promise her the answer to all her problems: magic. With her own magic, she could reclaim her apprenticeship, the only future she’s ever wanted. But her magic comes at price — it could kill her.

With the life she’s always known crumbling around her and her future slipping from her grasp, she needs Ash’s help one more time. But the greatest danger of all lies within her, and no matter what she does, she may lose everything — including him.

Title: Yield the Night (Steel & Stone #3)
Author: Annette Marie
Publisher: Dark Owl Fantasy Inc
Amount of Pages: 278
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Date Read: 28-04-2018 - 29-04-2018

Favorite Quote: "Ash has done so much more than capture her heart. He'd changed the very landscape of her soul."

This series is getting better and better with each book. It also gets more depth and is very interesting. There is allot building up and going on in this book. 
Piper is getting less and less naive with each book. I can see more of her strengths trying to get through and I like that. 

What is this book about:
This book continues to follow the story of Ash, Piper and Lyre. We start this book with Piper being send away to a private school. Ash, Lyre and Ash's sister are in hiding. Piper thought her live can't get any worse at this point but she was wrong. She got kidnapped by a fanatical group called the Gians. They want all demons gone from earth. But that isn't the biggest shock for Piper, the biggest shock is that her mother, who she thought was dead, wasn't dead. She is part of the Gians. 
The Gians want to set Piper magic free and use her as a weapon in their fight against the demons. They don't particularly care that releasing Pipers magic is very dangerous for her, it can get her killed. Will Ash and Lyre be able to save Piper not only from the Gians but from her magic as well. 

What did I like about this book:
I liked that we got to see more of the underworld. It was very interesting watching Piper learn more about her heritage and her magic. 
I liked watching her and Ash have several moments. 
I also like seeing more of Mysis again. I liked him in the Spell Weaver series and I still like him now. Not sure if I can trust him but he is very interesting. 

This book again ends with a cliffhanger. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next.



Piper is feeling a bit overwhelmed. With Seiya and Lyre missing, Ash recovering from near fatal injuries, and the Gaians picking fights with daemons all over the city, a girl can’t help but think she might be in over her head. And this time, she’s on her own. 

Before she even has a chance to investigate the Gaians’ new stockpile of mysterious, high-tech weaponry, an old enemy ambushes her: Samael’s henchman Raum. He wants Ash’s help and won’t take “get lost” for an answer. She doesn’t know if she can trust Raum, but even more than that, she can’t trust herself with Ash. Sooner or later he’ll catch up to her, and she fears she won’t be able to walk away from him a second time. 

Despite her feelings, it will take their combined strength to face a frightening discovery about the Gaians. She and Ash begin to realize that the daemon war is coming to Earth, and they might be the only ones who can stop it — if it’s not already too late.

Title: Reap the Shadows (Steel & stone #4)
Author: Annette Marie
Publisher: Dark Owl Fantasy Inc
Amount of Pages: 278
Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Fantasy

Date Read: 29-04-2018 - 30-04-2018

Favorite Quote: "The only one I want to belong to is you."

Finally! Finally, some progress in Piper and Ash's relationship. I'm so excited and happy about this. 
I can tell this series is building up for a big finally in the next one. This book is my favorite in the series so far. I really like how Piper is becoming. She's growing up and feeling more confidant in herself and her abilities. 

What is this book about
This book starts off where the last one ended. Piper left Ash in the overworld to heal. She went back to earth and found her father. She learned the city is in ruin, the consulates are no more. There have been attacks left and right and if that isn't enough Lyre and Seiya (Ash's sister) are missing. 
Piper is doing whatever she can to find them but she needs help. She can't do it alone. Ash is her only hope and he isn't to pleased with her. Can they find Lyre and Seiya? Will they be able to defeat Samuel (head of the hades family, I finally remembered his name) or will their world be lost. 
Not only that, Mysis (prince of the griffins in the overworld) isn't that pleased with Piper either. She keeps losing what Mysis feels is his, oh and she tried to kill him. Yeah she's very popular at the moment. 

What did I like about this book:
I really liked this book. My favorite so far. I feel like were finally getting somewhere. There is so much going on in this one. 
I liked the development in Piper and Ash's relationship. I was very happy about that one. 
I liked seeing more about both the overworld and the underworld in this book. Everything seems to be getting together. 



Piper thought she could handle the Sahar, the most powerful magical weapon in existence. She thought she could protect her loved ones and stop a war. She thought she could make a difference.

She was wrong, and her mistakes were paid for in blood.

Leaving her world—and her failures—behind, she retreats to the Underworld with Ash and the other draconians. They forge deep into long abandoned mountains, the first draconians to fly the valleys and passes in centuries—or so they thought. Until now, Ash’s mysterious heritage has been nothing but a name, but his presence does not go unnoticed. A new danger stalks him, one that may be even greater than what they escaped.

Cut off from the power she’d come to rely on and lost in a world where she doesn’t belong, Piper has never felt so hopeless. But she must find her strength, and find it quickly, before she loses Ash to an ancient power he can’t fight, before her home is devastated by the daemon war, and before her mind, body, and soul are consumed by the Sahar’s insidious magic.

Title: Unleash the Storm (Steel & Stone #5)
Author: Annette Marie
Publisher: Dark Owl Fantasy Inc
Number of Pages:432
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Date Read: 02-05-2018 - 18-05-2018

Favorite Quote: "Loss can be like chains holding you in place or a fire pushing you onward. We each choose every day what it will to us."

"Focuse on the now and the next, not the distant future of maybe and if. Even those of the strongest faith can falter when the eyes focus to far in the distance."

"Love was both a great strength and a great weakness."

I hard a hard time finishing this book, it wasn't that I didn't like the book or enjoyed reading it, because I did, I really did. I was in a bit of a slump and I didn't want the series to end I suppose. 

What is this book about:
So this is the final book in the steel and stone series. Piper, Ash and Lyre are hiding from Samuel and his men and are trying to find a way to end it once and for all.
We see Piper becoming her true self, we see more of her abilities and she really really works hard to help.
We see Ash becoming who he never thought he would be. And Lyre is revealing a bit more about himself to Piper. 
Ash will find an unlikely ally, one they never thought they'd have, one that could turn everything around and help them win the war against Samuel and the Hades family. 
Piper is trying her hardest to rally the forces on earth to work together and join them in the fight. 
And Lyre will have to face the people he has been hiding from for a long time. 
Will they be able to defeat Samuel or will everything be lost...

What did I like about this book:
I really liked the development these characters went through. They came a long way from the first book. I didn't see much change in Lyre though because I always found him awesome and he remained that way. 
I really liked how well Piper and Ash developed in their relationship and I really hope they'll remain together they are perfect for each other. 
Like with the spell weaver series I understand the ending but it also made me feel like it was unfinished (and it is in away) it's just a different ending than regular romance ending. If that makes sense haha. 
I did like what Ash said about their relationships, that they get to decides what works and that they'll do what makes them happy. I am anxious to see what happens in the future with Ash being the last Taroth and all and the line mustn't die out.
Overall I really loved this series. It's very well written and very interesting. I look forward to reading more about Ash,Lyre and his girl, piper, Misys and the others. 


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